Fall Preparation Package
Package Includes: Fortify, Sentry II, Revive, Vitalize II, Enrich AA
It has been a long hot Summer and all anybody wants to do is hit the pool for a refreshing dip; re-build yourself. Well your plants are the same; there is a requirement for re-building of the plants carbohydrate reserves, cell division functions, and energy cycle efficiencies. This is all found with the above recipe. Focussed on energy management efficiency and plant protection function (Sentry II contains 40% stabilized Phosphite – the only product on the market that does), so the turfgrass community can re-build and stabilize itself before Winter.
THP’s exclusive AAA Chelation Technology outperforms all other chelates on the market. With an Atomic mass of 147 and a neutral ionic charge, THP chelates slide into the plant more efficiently allowing for reduced application rates equalling or surpassing performance of other micronutrient products. Reduced total salts and prolonged tank mix and soil stability make THP chelates the obvious choice.
Fortify 0-1-2
Apply Fortify at 2-4oz /1000ft2 (28-85 ml/100m2) depending on turfgrass conditions, stress levels and application intervals.
Vitalize II
Apply Vitalize at 0.25 – 0.5oz /1000ft2 (7-14 ml/100m2) depending on turfgrass conditions, stress levels and application intervals.
Revive 6-18-2
Apply Revive at 2 – 4oz /1000ft2 (56-114 ml/100m2) depending on turfgrass conditions, stress levels and application intervals.
Sentry II 2-40-16
Apply Sentry II at 1-2 oz /1000 ft2 (30-60 ml/100 m2) depending on turfgrass conditions, stress levels and application intervals.
Apply at low (foliar) spray volumes of 0.5 – 0.75 gal/1000ft2 (20-35 GPA) (75-130 L/Ha). Do not irrigate after application (allow 3-4 hours ‘drying’ time on foliage).
Enrich AA
Apply Enrich-AA at 3-10 grams/1000ft2 depending on turfgrass conditions, stress levels and application intervals.
Apply at low (foliar) spray volumes of 0.5 – 0.75 gal/1000ft2 (20-35 GPA) (75-130 L/Ha). Do not irrigate after application (allow 3-4 hours ‘drying’ time on foliage).
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