Active MKS 0-0-4 (Soil Liquid)
A liquid plant food containing one primary and two secondary nutrients designed to supplement potassium, sulphur and magnesium in the soil. Active MKS utilizes Organo Guard Technology to enhance and maintain nutrient availability.
Net Contents: 9.46 L (11.35 kg)
Apply Active MKS at 4 – 12 oz /1000 ft2 (112 – 340 ml / 100m2) in a minimum of 1.5 gallons (5.7L) / 1000 ft2 (65 gallons/acre) monthly (or at lighter rates more often).
For best results Active MKS should be watered-in (0.25 inches) after application.
Many high sand and /or high pH root zones lead to tie-up of sulphate forms of magnesium and potassium. Active MKS utilizes patented technology (from NAP) to reduce soil-reaction (tie-up) of sulphate ions thus enhancing soil mobility & extending availability of these nutrients. Organo Guard Technology also reduces the effects of temperature on nutrient availability (warm or cold) making Active MKS an excellent choice all season long (especially during early-spring, hot-summer and late-fall conditions).
Active MKS also has a low salt index making it an ideal soil application under high salt conditions such as where effluent irrigation water-use is required.
Soluble Potash (K2O) | 4.0% |
Magnesium (Mg) | 2.1% |
Sulphur (S) | 4.2% |
THP Co. Organo Guard products deliver soil-applied nutrients that delay the chemical fixation reactions in the soil between phosphorus, potassium and sulfur in alkaline or acid soils. Organo Guard chemistry allows for phosphorus, potassium and sulphur to enter and stay available for longer periods in the soil solution. Local trials have shown 16-18 weeks of availability in soil solution.
Compatibility Statement
Active MKS can be tank mixed with active enhance and all other THP soil liquids.
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