Active P 2-14-0 (Soil Liquid)
A liquid plant food designed to quickly boost plant growth and root proliferation by increasing (and maintaining) phosphorus availability in the soil solution. Active P utilizes Organo Guard Technology to enhance and maintain nutrient availability.
Net Contents: 9.46 L (12.78 kg)
Apply Active P at 3 – 7 oz /1000 ft2 (85 – 198 ml / 100m2) in a minimum of 1.5 gallons (5.7L) / 1000 ft2 (65 gallons/acre) monthly (or at lighter rates more often).
For best results Active P should be watered-in (0.25 inches) after application.
Phosphorus is one of the most difficult elements to apply (as a fertilizer) to the soil and have it remain available since it tends to react with calcium and magnesium (and other elements) already present in the soil solution. Active P utilizes Organo Guard Technology to reduce soil-reaction (tie-up) of phosphate ions thus enhancing soil mobility & extending availability. Organo Guard Technology also reduces the effects of temperature on nutrient availability (warm or cold) making Active P an excellent choice all season long (especially during early-spring, hot-summer and late-fall conditions).
Total Nitrogen (N) | 2.0% |
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) | 14.0% |
Compatibility Statement
Active P can be tank-mixed with Active Enhance and most wetting agents but should NOT be mixed with ammonium thiosulphate or potassium thiosulphate.
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